Job's Tears & Hematite Mala

SIMPLY SOFIA - Job’s & Hematite: This Collection of Job’s Tears Mala/Prayer Beads is my most treasured of all. I say this with an open heart. Creating these pieces has brought me great #joy, #enlightenment and #humility since these are natural seeds and I treasure the sacred legend of their onset. 🙏🏻. By wearing jewelry made with Job’s Tears, we are reminded that even the most noble servants of the Lord endure pain, yet if we remain humble and persevere through our inclination to lose faith, we will find reward.
Hematite is very grounding & balancing, allowing one to release negativity. It is said to be healing & cleansing for disorders of the blood, & allows one to release harmful emotions. Calming, transforms negativity & said to aid in high blood pressure, muscle cramping, nervous disorders & insomnia.
#bookofjob #biblejournaling #shopsimplysofia #katrinacampins #mala #rosaries #hematite #faith #biblestories #prayerbeads #believe #hematite