SIMPLY SOFIA◾️◾️◾️ BY POPULAR DEMAND, brings back a new, more dainty and stackable AZABACHE bracelet design. This is a beautiful display of three GENUINE AZABACHES, with Gold Filled accents, and rare Blood Red Czech Picasso glass fire polished róndeles.
As a proud Cuban-American, it is my pleasure to share with you the renowned "AZABACHE". This is a Black Stone used by Latins, (predominantly Cubans) for the protection against the infamous "Mal de Ojo", universally know as "The Evil Eye", believed to be the result of excessive admiration or envious looks by others. Wearing an Azabache ◾️ is, very much a "Cuban Thing"...if you will. Having newborn babies wear an Azabache is believed to protect them from "The Evil Eye". Although I, personally do not recall wearing the unassuming Azabache as a child, I always wear it as an adult. I do so because it simply calls to me, and I will say that I love the energetic filter it affords. Universally known as a genuine and raw version of Jet, and Black Onyx, this stone is a great ally to all on the spiritual path, due to its perfect combination of protective vibrations. It is a stone of good luck, Jet makes a great gift for the person starting a new job or beginning a new business pursuit. ◾️◾️◾️Limited inventory available. #azabache #evileye #maldeojo #genuinegemstones #protection #blessedaretheweird #customized #mothersday #madetoorder #shopsimplysofia #simplysofia #handmade #handmadebracelets #onyx #jetstone #mypassion #mypurpose #ordernow #love #light #cubana #cubanculture #cubanamerican #azabache #shopsimplysofia #allthingscuban #cubanamerican